sikhi for dummies

30.) Is Sikhi part of any Hindu philosophy?

No. Values are similar among all religions just like body parts among living beings, does not mean we are all the same or subset of another. These philosophies are very deep and unique in their own way and interconnected to each other so i am only covering outright major differences. Sikhi is mostly compared to Vedanta so i will keep it separate. I will be using Hindu Terminologies when mentioning Sikhi for ease of understanding. 1.) Mimamsa- school is atheistic, considers vedas as infallible and promotes vedic rituals to reach higher satisfaction. It follows Brahmanas and Samhitas parts of Vedas. Different yagnas, homas, sacrifices including animals are made, praises of gods are sung however only to reap fruits of benefits, heaven is the final goal. Concept of creator God or mukti didn’t exist in the original Mimamsa. Sikhi does not believe in vedic rituals or vedic superiority, doesn’t worship vedic gods, is strongly theist. 2.) Samkhya- school is atheistic-dualistic school which doesn't believe in one supreme God but two separate principles of reality called Prakrti and Purush. Prakrti is nature or matter which is unconscious and Purush is witness-consciousness which is free. When Prakrti comes in contact with Purush, intellect is formed alongside other elements which a jiva/person (a state of purush) has to escape to reach Mukti / Kaivalya. Purush and Prakriti work together for their respective goals because in some cases, Prakriti itself is bound and want mukti, not Purush as Prakriti uses Purush to experience / present itself and when satisfied motivates, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Purush for mukti / wants mukti herself. Sikhi is not Samkhya because only Purush wants / gets mukti not Prakriti, it is panentheistic, believes in creation / Prakriti within God as well as all Jiva / Purush. 3.) Yoga- school is same as Samkhya school but has concept of personal god/ishvara. Isvara is a distinct, incorruptible form of pure awareness, utterly independent of cause and effect, and lacking any store of latent impressions. Subschools of Yoga such as Bhakti and Raja have similarities with Sikhi but Sikhi has its own definition of Raja Yoga, Samadhi, Namaz (islamic),etc. Sikhi rejects any personal deity and is monistic. 4.) Nyaya- School uses extreme logic and reasoning. It focuses on gaining true knowledge of real essence of 16 categories of existence to reach moksha. It also suggests Yoga / meditation but only after finding true knowledge of categories through Nyaya methodologies. God is not the material cause. It is strongly knowledge based & follow pluralistic nature of reality. Sikhi is different as God is also the material cause. It is primarily devotion based and monistic. 5.) Vaisheshika- school is similar to Nyaya but categories of existence are 6 ( 1 was added by scholars later, total 7). It promotes a form of atomism. Elements (except space) is made up of tiny particles called atom. Atoms are uncreated and eternal entities. God (unseen cause / moral force) is separate and does not create the atoms, only manipulate them according to law of karma to create reality. It is also knowledge based and follows pluralism. Sikhi is different because it is devotion based, monistic & panentheistic as no entity other than God can exist. *.)Tantra- is another sub-philosophy within Hinduism which is usually included under Yoga but elements can be found in almost every school however some indian hindu tantra schools may reject Vedas. It can be found all over the world in other religions and they do not fall under Hinduism. It consists mantra recitation exclusive to particular school or deity, rituals, meditation with different physical postures and certain specific techniques for spiritual growth. Most of such elements are opposite of Sikhi, so Sikhi doesn't fall under Tantra either.